In my research, I am looking into the relationship between communities and the collective production of data. Specifically, when crises unfold slowly and for long periods of time, which I refer to as a slow crisis. I am interested in the role of local capabilities and expertise from citizens.
Additionally, the progression that occurs from citizen community building into the direction of Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a focus. Particularly, how data and community practices of citizens may contribute to NGOs’ work. In this respect, I examine how citizens are building online communities and their practice’s effect on their offline behavior. From the NGO perspective, I am interested in understanding their data practices, including the data sources they are using to inform their work and how they synthesize these different datasets.
While I intend to research the topics previously mentioned, I am excited to extend my work to other domains and to explore the affordances of other technologies and mediums to empower my target populations.